Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The life of a nanny

Benefits to being a nanny:

* You get to spend all day acting like a kid
* You get plenty of hugs & kisses
* There is no limits to how much playdoh you can play with...
* You get to help influence the leaders of tomorrow
* You get to be apart of the family
* Its acceptable to go to work in Jeans & a tee-shirt!


Sweet's Mom said...

I've been thinking about the jeans thing. I may go to an issued uniform--high heels and hose, for sure!!!!!!!!


Thats hilarious...can you imagine me coming to your house, and chasing brody around in high heels...HECK NO! Or taking them to the park in an official nanny uniform like they wear in England...HAHAHAHA!!! That'll NEVER happen!


One Lucky Dude said...

i wouldent mind the uniform!! wink wink!!